Seven Secrets I Found Chasing Alice - White Rabbit

An introduction to the philosophical views of an autistic person going by the pen-name of "White Rabbit", with Jimmy White.

TreeVille - Jimmy White (coming soon)

A view of how the world can (theoretically) support a higher standard of living than we have today without petroleum, with extremely healthy organic soils where today there is only depleted wasteland, robust housing and roads that last 1000 years, and roughly 2 hours a day of labor for the average person to maintain subsistence needs.  (There is a preview in an Appendix to Lemur Therapy.)

Current Published Titles

People on the autism spectrum tend to have a very different way of processing the world around themselves than everyone else.  This can affect both sensory and cognitive processing.  This leads to both amazing and unique talents, as well as challenges when attempting to "fit in" or "understand" others. Autistic people tend to have characteristically unique points of view that are unique to each individual.


Ideas like bolts of lightning from "above".

About Aspie Genius


Aspie Genius

Audio Wizardry - Jimmy White
A magnum opus on performance arts techniques (Part 1), room acoustics (Part 2), speakers and studio monitors (Part 3), microphone design, selection, and usage (Part 4), electronics for the layman (Part 5), audio and other connecting cables (Part 6), AC power system wiring noise control (Part 7), digital audio recording and mixing (Part 8), and video recording with YouTube focus (Part 9).  This massive work intended for non-technical audiences has been separated into 9 different volumes, consisting of thousands of pages of concentrated information that probably cracks most audio industry and performance artist trade secrets.
Lemur Therapy - James Whitaker

A proposal for the medical establishment for a new type of medical treatment, modeled after the biochemistry of bug-eating, tree-dwelling primates.

How To Be A Ridiculously Happy Person - Jimmy White (coming soon)

Lessons learned about how an autistic person makes sense of life.